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Enjoy Your Wedding Go UN PLUGGED | Hudson Valley Photographer Aperture Photography

I Have photographed hundreds of weddings in the Hudson Valley and Catskill Mountains.  The couples who have the most fun hire great pros and expect them to do a great job.  As a wedding Photographer I see so many well meaning guests spending the whole day taking photos and takings up all the bride and grooms time.  I don't get angry at all, but I wonder if they enjoyed the wedding.  It is kind of like going to a concert with ear plugs and watching it through your cell phone.  I never quite understood what everyone does with the hundreds of Cake shots ?

The Hudson Valley and surrounding Catskills it is so beautiful why not be in the moment and share the love with friends and family.  I  always put up an online galley with a thousand or so photographs.  I am starting to see many couples say leave the cameras off and enjoy the many delights and love a wedding brings.

All I mean is consider going unplugged.  Eat, drink and be really present.  I think you will love it.